Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Abundant Life According to The Prophet of God

The Abundant Life

By President Spencer W. Kimball

Always remember the source of prosperity and abundance
“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10.)


Teasers from the talk:

"The abundant life is also achieved as we magnify our view of life, expand our view of others, and our own possibilities." Spencer W. Kimball

"The abundant life, of course, has little to do with the acquisition of material things, though there are many wonderful individuals who have been blessed materially and who use their wealth to help their fellowmen. The abundant life mentioned in the scriptures is the spiritual sum that is arrived at by the multiplying of our service to others and by investing our talents in service to God and to man."

"Self-mastery, then, is the key, and every person should study his own life, his own desires and wants and cravings and bring them under control."

"Man can transform himself and he must. Man has in himself the seeds of godhood, which can germinate and grow. As the acorn becomes the oak, the mortal man becomes a god. It is within his power to lift himself to the plane on which he should be."

another great talk on abundance

Teaser from the talk:

"One of the characteristics of the earth is its great abundance. For our benefit God has cached away in sixteen inches of topsoil the ingredients for food and clothing in rich abundance. A good farmer using proven agricultural methods may get many tons of a given crop from this earth-reservoir and still have his sixteen inches of topsoil left undiminished. The Creator has provided most growing things with many times more seeds than are necessary for their reproduction. Think how many kernels of corn grow on one stalk, and each kernel is capable of reproducing the entire plant."

"Each of our bodily organs was built much stronger than our needs ordinarily require. Our stomachs will hold far more food than is needed to keep us alive. We could see well with just one eye, but the Lord gave us two. We could hear with one ear, but the Lord has given us two. He gave us two kidneys, two lungs, and two nostrils. It is also true that by the same process of exercise, our minds, our personalities, and our faith can be almost inconceivably expanded. But our greatest possibility for expansion and development comes in the area of our talents, our virtues, and our abilities. These great personality powers are capable of the most fantastic multiplication."



The Creators Corner said...

Instant Abundance Hall of Fame!

Great talks, I definitely think they should be part of the core curriculum!

I think Elder Wirthlin had a talk on the Abundant Life as well.


The Creators Corner said...

I like this Shawn. I thought as I read throught this how important it is that we master our selves. There's that indefinable thing that happens when we set goals or standards for ourselves, we achieve those goals and we are empowered and grow in leaps and bounds. We all have so much to learn, I think that if we invest more time in ourselves (self interest)we become more and more of an assett to the world and those we intend to create value for. Thanks Shawn.